Additional information
type of fractal | Mandelbrot |
formula | |
center x | 0.28151171200892061152742940066673327237367630004883 |
center y | -0.47049719180071680746380025084363296627998352050781 |
section size | 0.002424488435507681383801470431649249803740531206131 |
color style | weighted-coloring |
smoothing function | spline |
core color | 0x0 |
colormap | 215 |
post-processed | false |
siblings | 0 |
#082432 : 46.87%
#121E24 : 23.82%
#090809 : 10.88%
#102C48 : 9.66%
#2A1510 : 6.95%
type of fractal | Mandelbrot | 43.33% |
color style | weighted-coloring | 34.54% |
smoothing function | spline | 10.93% |
core color | 0x0 | 99.53% |
colormap | 215 | |
post-processed | false | 70.26% |