Additional information
type of fractal | Mandelbrot |
formula | |
center x | 0.32466604491589856618105613961233757436275482177734 |
center y | -0.55316997905607334651278961246134713292121887207031 |
section size | 0.0011148937297968870320519219063726268359459936618805 |
color style | weighted-coloring |
smoothing function | linear |
core color | 0x0 |
colormap | 161 |
post-processed | true |
siblings | 0 |
#18001C : 82.05%
#163459 : 12.08%
#ED7C1C : 3.18%
type of fractal | Mandelbrot | 43.33% |
color style | weighted-coloring | 34.54% |
smoothing function | linear | 20.81% |
core color | 0x0 | 99.53% |
colormap | 161 | |
post-processed | true | 29.74% |
type of post-processing | 13 | 5.97% |