Additional information
type of fractal | Mandelbrot |
formula | |
center x | 0.35592419574525369085904458188451826572418212890625 |
center y | 0.34891867878143623116216076596174389123916625976562 |
Im(p) | 0 |
section size | 0.0018303028728138453010143571475509816082194447517395 |
color style | weighted-coloring |
smoothing function | spline |
core color | 0x0 |
colormap | 245 |
post-processed | false |
siblings | 0 |
#8ED1F9 : 39.08%
#6EB5F6 : 18.86%
#A0DFF8 : 14.57%
#7CC3F9 : 10.06%
#ABE7F7 : 9.69%
type of fractal | Mandelbrot | 43.33% |
color style | weighted-coloring | 34.54% |
smoothing function | spline | 10.93% |
core color | 0x0 | 99.53% |
colormap | 245 | |
post-processed | false | 70.26% |