Additional information
type of fractal | Mandelbrot |
formula | \[z_{n+1}=z_n^2+c\] |
center x | -0.10457530498188041812035464772634441033005714416504 |
center y | 0.93012489854902591357443952801986597478389739990234 |
section size | 0.63131337235412066100082029151963070034980773925781 |
color style | iterative-coloring |
iterative smoothing | smooth |
core color | 0x0 |
colormap | 200 |
post-processed | true |
siblings | 0 |
#0F341C : 27.21%
#18001C : 21.15%
#164C1C : 20.30%
#BFB41E : 10.75%
#2D691C : 10.44%
type of fractal | Mandelbrot | 43.33% |
color style | iterative-coloring | 65.46% |
iterative smoothing | smooth | 60.53% |
core color | 0x0 | 99.53% |
colormap | 200 | |
post-processed | true | 29.74% |
type of post-processing | 13 | 5.97% |